


Machine Guns, Short-Barreled Rifles, Short-Barreled Shotguns, and Silencers

To date, Diamondback has processed over six hundred (600) Form-4 applications for our customers. We have the experience and expertise to complete your Class 3 application quickly and accurately and we do it all, in-house.

  • NFA Sales and Transfers
  • Form-4 Application Processing and Mailing
  • NFA Gun Trust Preparation and Completion Via E-Forms
  • Fingerprinting, Both Ink and LiveScan
  • Passport Style Photographs
Diamondback can also assist you with E-filing your Form 1 application online directly with ATF.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

NFA Point of Contact

Name: Doug MacKinlay, Phone: (520) 886-8338, Email: DMAC@dbackpolice.com

Call Us Now!